cumgirl8 emerge with the announcement of their long-awaited debut 4AD LP the 8th cumming, out on October 4th. cumgirl8 also share the record’s first single ‘Karma Police’ alongside a visualiser, watch below!
With the track, the band deliver not a Radiohead cover, but a chaotic tour story of missed flights and stolen luggage delivered with a hailstorm of angular glittering keys, propulsive swirling riffs, and darkwave night club whispers.
the 8th cumming (recorded live, entirely on analog) is rooted in a philosophy close to the band’s heart: cyberfeminism, which addresses the relationship between human and machine, nature and technology.
Historically flexing their political muscles, this current version of the band has fundamentally taken things up a notch, unafraid to introduce listeners to complicated themes all while exploring their creative boundaries and looking inward.
Stream / download ‘Karma Police’ here.
Pre-order / pre-save the 8th cumming here.