Gabriella Cohen releases her debut album Full Closure and No Details throughout the globe – out Friday 2nd December in EU/UK via Dot Dash. The record was released earlier in 2016 in Australia via Dot Dash / Remote Control Records and in the USA via Dot Dash / Captured Tracks.
Gabriella has quickly established herself as a brooding storm dressed in silk, gaining well-deserved attention with her vivacious live shows that still audiences to surrender. Having just toured the UK and North America as part of her A Crepe & A Nightcap Tour, Gabriella returns home having left behind crowds enraptured by her charm, and now, with a record to hold on to.
Her first solo full-length, Full Closure and No Details, is the product of ten days and two microphones. Co-produced alongside close friend, bandmate and engineer Kate ‘Babyshakes’ Dillon, the record is the result of what Gabriella describes as the “ceremony” of reflecting on a relationship. The songs are soaked in the kind of aching nostalgia that is tinged with equal measures of sadness and triumph. On ‘I Don’t Feel So Alive’, Gabriella warns: “This could be the last time we get together”, and on one hand it’s melancholy, but it’s in the spirit of endings that are also beginnings.
There are two sides to Gabriella’s coin though — for every moment of raw, cutting emotion, there’s one of otherworldly ethereality. It’s what makes the record feel timeless, which doesn’t mean old-fashioned — but rather that the vocoder on ‘Feelin’ Fine’ and the fuzzy, frenzied drums of ‘Alien Anthem’ don’t feel at odds with the dreamy, ambling melodies and old-school ethos at the heart of Gabriella’s songwriting.
The album’s title is a mirror held up to both the relationship it details, and to the songs themselves: they feel confessional while remaining opaque, full of story-telling but never detail-heavy. Instead, the songs exist in a kind of vacuum, personal to every listener, like a dream that’s hard to recall after waking.
You can experience this sensation watching her latest video for ‘Downtown’, directed by Sky Richards. Gabriella Cohen had this to say about the track and video: “Downtown was written in the summer of 2014 in Highgate Hill, Australia. I remember just finishing the recording in my room. A friend walked past. I yelled at him to duck his head in and listen… Take what you want from it… I guess it comes from a direct place of figuring out self-worth and personal integrity. The film clip happened two years later… a real spin on things it seems. We did it in the forest, my favourite place. Enjoy.” Watch the video via the image below.