Honey Hahs are excited to announce their debut album Dear Someone, Happy Something, to be released on Friday 7th September. They have shared the first single ‘Stop Him’, to be lifted from the album, an anti-Donald Trump song along with an accompanying video, watch below!
Honey Hahs are three sisters from Honor Oak Park in South London, aged 16, 13 and 11. Rowan plays guitar and piano, Robin plays bass and Sylvie plays drums, and they all sing and harmonise. Their songs convey a disarmingly frank, refreshingly clear, child’s-eye view of the world.
Produced by Pulp’s Steve Mackey, the album demonstrates their wildly creative approach to making music and includes influences as diverse as Michael Jackson and The Children Of Sunshine. Dear Someone, Happy Something is available for pre-order here.
Purchase / stream ‘Stop Him’: https://honeyhahs.lnk.to/StopHim