Meet Walter TV! What is there to be said that hasn’t already been said about the old Walter TV band? Our main men in the group (Joe McMurray, Simon Ankenman, Pierce McGarry) are either aged 30 or close to. They do their best to make music that is meaningful, interesting, and…danceable? Emotionally razed these bad boys are pumping out of the ashes, instruments in hand.
Simon is a canoe guide in the Northwest when he is not rocking, and he frequents a chain of lakes with ecotourists yearly. Pierce has recently taken a hiatus from the traveling “Mac Demarco Band”, to pursue his other interests in film, music, and art. Joseph is steadfast on the drums for both Mac and Walter TV, while enjoying his English Lit degree.
The band have just announced a new album Carpe Diem to be released on Friday 4th August. The first single ‘Graceland’ is out now – listen to it via the image below.