Tune-Yards share new single ‘nowhere, man’

Tune-Yards releases their new song ‘nowhere, man’. The bright, brash and upbeat song is paired with a lively video that takes Chaplin-esque footage shot in Merrill Garbus and Nate Brenner’s garage during quarantine and brings them to life alongside stop motion animation by Japhy Riddle and Callie Day. The song title references the Beatles song, and is a referendum on how far society has or has not come based on whose stories are told, celebrated and elevated.

Of the video Garbus says,
The song and the video for ‘nowhere, man’ were created under conditions of feeling squeezed and pushed to the brink — relatively, of course. I wanted to ask, ‘How loudly do I have to shout and sing before I’m heard?’ And the video asks, too, ‘What am I not hearing?’ We hope the music brings energy and a strong wind of encouragement to those who are shouting and singing loudly for justice right now.”

Stream ‘nowhere, man’

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