The Salmon Brothers’ journey began as a lighthearted jest, quickly evolving into a passionate musical endeavour fueled by the creative synergy between musicians Nick Weaver and Nick Meredith. One evening the long time friends coincidentally wore almost identical salmon-coloured blazers, and before the end of the night, the band Salmon Brothers was born. Not wanting a good name to go to waste, the duo were struck with a wave of inspiration, recording a plethora of music over the months that followed, performing DJ sets, and working towards the release of their debut record.
Now, Nick Meredith, on behalf of the duo unveils the long awaited debut single ‘Fools Can’t Tell No Lies’, ahead of the release of the posthumous album More To Love, in a heartfelt tribute to the late Nick Weaver. A fitting introduction to the Salmon Brothers, ‘Fools Can’t Tell No Lies’ is a vibrant reflection of Nick Weaver and Nick Meredith’s dynamic relationship. With Weaver’s clever lyrics, the song blends infectious fun, irresistible danceability, and a witty perspective on life.
Pre-order / Pre-save More To Love here.
Stream / Download ‘Fools Can’t Tell No Lies’ here.