Courtney Barnett releases ‘Before You Gotta Go’

Courtney Barnett has unveiled another track from her forthcoming album Things Take Time, Take Time out Friday 12 November on Milk! Records / Remote Control Records, in the form of the lithe, lovely single ‘Before You Gotta Go‘.

Intimately detailed and gorgeously sketched, Things Take Time, Take Time pulls back the curtain to reveal an optimistic and beautifully serene side to Barnett. ‘Before You Gotta Go’, is one of the luminous highlights, turning a frustrated kiss-off into the most gracious of love songs “If something were to happen my dear, I wouldn’t want the last words you hear to be unkind.” Meanwhile, Barnett and co-producer Stella Mozgawa (Warpaint, Cate le Bon, Kurt Vile) perform an elegant illusion; starting with a simple warm drone, they add myriad layers of synth, guitars, drums and percussion in slow crescendo. There’s a lot going on, yet they create a sense of boundless space.

“Sometimes I try to say everything in one song, or put my whole belief system into a vox pop, but you just can’t do that — it’s impossible,” Courtney says. Things Take Time, Take Time, then, represents a realisation that ideology is represented through the way you treat others, not what you say in a song — that some things are more felt than said. This is Courtney’s world – full of the strangeness, busyness and undeniable warmth of life –  and you will definitely want to spend some time in it.

Stream / Download Courtney Barnett – ‘Before You Gotta Go’

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