Dry Cleaning is Nick Buxton (drums), Tom Dowse (guitar), Lewis Maynard (bass) and Florence Shaw (vocals). Buoyed by the universal acclaim they received for 2019 EPs Boundary Road Snacks and Drinks and Sweet Princess, the south London foursome spent more and more of their lives on tour, refining their craft even further and developing a near-psychic knowledge of how to leave the right amount of space for each other in their songs. Their debut album New Long Leg, produced by John Parish, and featuring the singles ‘Scratchcard Lanyard’, ‘Strong Feelings’ and ‘Unsmart Lady’ is more ambitious and complex, with Shaw’s spoken vocals tightly intertwined with the band’s restless instrumentals. Shaw extracts the most immense meaning from the most trivial things; she peppers the songs with a thousand tiny details, little witty asides about supermarkets, cupboards, beauty products and body parts add up to sonic landscapes that teem with the strange magic of ordinary life.
New Long Leg will be released on 2 April digitally and on CD, cassette, standard black vinyl and limited-edition yellow vinyl.