Conceptual multimedia artist Laura Callier, aka Gel Set, announces her forthcoming album, Tone Invasion, out April 30 via 2MR / Remote Control. Along with the announcement, Callier shares ‘Next Exit,’ a cinematic track about escaping reality by, well, escaping. This track follows the first hypnotic single ‘It Has Come To Our Attention’ and second single ‘Where The Ocean Meets The Land’. Watch ‘Next Exit’ here.
Gel Set on ‘Next Exit’ – “Noah Anthony’s, (AKA Profligate), old 80s Toyota got stolen last year, and was found by police on the side of the highway, completely out of gas. They had obviously been living in the car, cleaning it out and making a few minor repairs. They’d stolen the blue leather gloves he kept under the driver’s seat, and I pictured the thief wearing these leather gloves, blasting songs from the speaker they installed, feeling and looking cool in their new stolen car. Noah had to convince the police that the car had been stolen, as the cops thought he’d been in a wreck and abandoned the car on the highway afterwards because the car was so busted looking. It was all a big mess. I wrote this song from the perspective of the joy riders. The idea that a stolen car can propel one to a new life away from the old problems, simply drive until you run out of gas, and then steal a new car and repeat. The romance of the open road. There’s something so “American Dream” and so LA about the highway. I wanted this song to feel cinematic and narrative, a little hopeful, a little dreaming, a little escapist, completely irresponsible and avoidant. Stealing a car to find a better life is a parallel to social climbing and back stabbing one’s way to success I suppose. Which is also so American, or maybe essentially human, if you’re feeling cynical. Noah added some cool vocal production here and helped turned this into a fun pop song with his Numan-esque synth line in the chorus.”