Following his debut Six Feet Beneath the Moon, Archy Marshall returns with new album The OOZ, released Friday 13 October. King Krule also shares new single ‘Dum Surfer’, that comes with a brilliant Brother Willis directed video, watch it below!
King Krule finally takes the crown with The OOZ, as poet laureate for the dazed and confused generation, painting a bleak and sometimes harrowing picture of a rapidly splintering city.
The OOZ as a title proves oddly fitting. There are references throughout about its physical manifestation, or as Marshall himself says, “about earwax and snot and bodily fluids and skin and stuff that just comes out of you on a day to day basis”. But it works on a more figurative level too, also representing the unknown depths or horizons the solitary mind can travel to, whether it’s sinking into the deep sea or soaring through the night sky.
It may be messy, unwieldy, even unsightly, Marshall seems to say – but we need The OOZ in order to exist. The OOZ is now available for pre-order here.
Stream / buy ‘Dum Surfer’: