Teeth & Tongue announce ‘Greatest Hurts’ party + share live video for ‘Turn Turn Turn’

Over the course of four albums, Teeth & Tongue – the music project of songwriter and instrumentalist Jess Cornelius – had gradually morphed into a more collaborative ‘band-like’ affair, with long-time collaborators Marc Regueiro-McKelvie, Damian Sullivan and James Harvey.

Now, Jess is heading to the USA to focus on a new ‘actually solo’ project, with material that is more stripped back, personal and lyrically direct. To say goodbye (for a while), Teeth & Tongue are throwing a farewell ‘Greatest Hurts’ party at the Gasometer on August 4th. Further info below.

In addition, Teeth & Tongue have shared a live video for ‘Turn Turn Turn’. The performance was filmed at the band’s Dot Dash session at Newmarket Studios earlier this year. Watch it below.

Teeth & Tongue poster

Teeth & Tongue Greatest Hurts Party

August 4th – The Gasometer, Melbourne
Supports from Loose Tooth, Gregor and Venetian Blinds DJs
Tickets via the Gasometer Hotel

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