Bibi Club, the duo consisting of Adèle Trottier-Rivard and Nicolas Basque, share their new single ‘Parc de Beauvoir,’ which was written in London during a tour. Premiering on Brooklyn Vegan, this is the first English single from the album Feu de garde, which will be released May 10th.
The duo explains what inspired the writing of this song, saying “We were in a contemplative, exhausted state as our kid was playing in the park. Parc de Beauvoir is an ode to friendship, conveying nostalgia for our teenage years, an era during which we observe what’s happening around us and experience complex, powerful emotions.” The music video, which was directed by Bibi Club, Gus. Englehorn and Estée Preda, conveys the nostalgia expressed in the lyrics and features a member of the Bibi Club family.
Pre-order / Pre-save Feu de garde here.
Stream / Download ‘Parc de Baeuvoir’ here.