Watch – Merchandise ‘Lonesome Sound’

Following the release of singles ‘Flower Of Sex’ and ‘End Of The Week,’ Merchandise have launched a third track “Lonesome Sound” from their forthcoming LP ‘A Corpse Wired For Sound’

The infectious melancholy of “Lonesome Sound” has been brought to life by frontman Carson Cox, whose filmmaker credits also extend to the two previous ‘A Corpse Wired For Sound’ singles. Here he has crafted a static-charged video largely inspired by the ritual filmmaking of Kenneth Anger. As with many of the videos Cox makes, it takes its cues from the American underground film pioneer Maya Deren. Elaborating further he explains, “the video for “Lonesome Sound” is meant to be a more mythical or classical representation of the lyrics. The Woman as Goddess and the Man as her vessel. It is not my intention to tell a story but to play with reality and fiction in search of a sort of ambiguity that more reflects my personal experience. There’s no happy ending here, but there is a light show.”

Formed nearly a decade ago, galvanized by Tampa hardcore and inspired by its miscreant noise, ‘A Corpse Wired For Sound’ signals a new chapter for Merchandise. Following 2014’s ‘After The End’ — a full-band effort recorded in a closet — the band stripped back to its core of Carson Cox (vocals, electronics), Dave Vassalotti (guitar, electronics) and Pat Brady (bass). The trio travelled to Rosà, Italy for their first ever sessions in a recording studio with a local, Maurizio Baggio. The nine-song nocturnal ‘A Corpse Wired For Sound’ was recorded half in the studio and half at home, in Tampa as well as Cox’s newly adopted bases of New York and Berlin – the culmination of a long-distance collaboration between Cox and Vassalotti.

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