Widowspeak announce new album Expect The Best + share first single ‘Dog’

Widowspeak announce their new album, Expect The Best, to be released Friday 25 August, along with revealing a video for the first single, ‘Dog’, filmed and edited by musician/artist Otium, and filmed in Tacoma, WA. Watch it below!

Widowspeak’s Molly Hamilton says the song is “about the compulsion to move on from things and places, even people, when you’re not necessarily ready to. Sometimes, I get caught up in ‘the grass is always greener’ mentalities, or cling to an idea that ‘I’d be happy if…’ and then make a drastic change. Then, inevitably, I feel restless a few months later and it starts again.”

Expect The Best sees Widowspeak finding their greatest balance between opposing forces: darkness and light, quiet and loud, tension and calm.

The album was written while Hamilton was living in Tacoma, Washington after previous stints in upstate New York and Brooklyn. Moving back to the place she grew up was the catalyst for a record concerned with self-examination and the sense of dread that comes from feeling adrift.

Stream / Purchase ‘Dog’: https://RemoteControl.lnk.to/Widowspeak

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